Monday, December 27, 2010


Petang tadi dengar abang bukak lagu kat lappy dia.. macam pernah dengar.. Yep! It's my favourite song(baru2 lagi)....Shed A Tear by Ryan Higa and the gang...if any of you guys ever heard of that name, he is just some ordinary guy who tried to be extraordinary..(but I think he succeeded somewhere somehow) creating all the humours, jokes, making fun of other people... Sometimes he can also be mean to others..hahaha... Check out his videos on You Tube>>>NIGAHIGA. 

"Hahhaha..they're hilarious...but they still have great ideas of making such music..."<<<This what I thought of them before I found out the song was originally sang by Far East Movement ft. Ryan Tedder. And the actual title is "Rocketeer". Dem! Terasa diri ini bongokla pulak..sengal punya Nigahiga..hahaha...but however, both of it are very good songs! Lovin it so so much! :D


Hehe....tak minat k? tapi tengokla jugak kadang2... ost best, biasalah lagu Sixth Sense kan? Sepi....tangkap masyuk jugak lagu ni...

Hapus airmatamu dan jangan bersedih
Aku di sini
Menemanimu melukis hari
Hapus airmatamu dan jangan bersedih
Aku di sini
Menemanimu melukis hari

Mentari pagi
Bawakan embun sejukkan hati
Aku di sini
Menatap engkau menangis sepi

Oh sepi sepiku
Janganlah bersedih hati

Hapus airmatamu dan jangan bersedih
Aku di sini
Menemanimu melukis hari
Hapus airmatamu dan jangan bersedih
Aku di sini
Menemanimu melukis hari

Oh sepi sepiku
Janganlah bersedih hati

Hapus airmatamu dan jangan bersedih
Aku di sini
Menemanimu melukis hari
Hapus airmatamu dan jangan bersedih
Aku di sini
Menemanimu melukis hari

Sixth Sense

They're quite good actually...boleh dikatakan semua cerita2 drama dekat TV3 guna lagu2 diorang untuk buat soundtrack. Not bad.. untuk industri muzik tanah air jugak. Hehehe... 


Just went back from Kuching newest KFC outlet at Demak...the one and only KFC outlet in Sarawak yg ada drive thru..i think so... comfy, spacious but LALAT!!! hahahaha...yep..ada lalat d merata2, but not so chronic la.. tgh enjoy2 mghabiskan sgala juadah yg d sponsor oleh bnda tek... tiba2 si gendut ya(Ahmad Dani) mengeluarkan segala isi perutnya kembali ke dlm pinggan...aduuhh.... my brother n younger sister boleh FLEW OFF dr meja cmya ajak, n they sat at the other table, far away from me, mom and Dani. ngokk!!! N I was bermandian dgn muntah Dani..not too much, tp terkenak juakla dgn tempiasnya. Great! :( N my mom said, Dani has officially rasmikan grand opening KFC baru ya..hahahaha...


Tengah belajar cara nak guna blog. Cara nak edit blog etc. Sampai naik fenin kepala dibuatnya... hmm..apa2la... janji blog ni boleh dibaca dan boleh menjadi hamparan untukku untuk mencontengnya... :) Tadi call M. Busy la pulak..hmm..time2 ade kredit, org tu sibok pulak... bosan ni...mak ajak keluar, yela anak lelaki kesayangannya dah balik... tapi melekat dpan laptop dr tadi..adoii.. Rindu awak la M! Grr...hahaha.... bosan,  xde idea untuk tulis blog. Chowww....

Tinggal 6 Hari Lagi

Masok arini, tinggal lagi 6 hari. Before he left me to KL, and I'll be settling down in Penang for 3 months. Aaahh... jangka masa yang agak panjang.  This present holiday pun tak sempat nak diluangkan bersama, yela..bajet negara tiada...dok rumah, no moneyla...JPA pun kering.. byk tmpat yg nak dilawati bersama tak kesampaian...aahh sedihnya...but I'm still glad, I still met him several times during this holiday. Datang rumah pun syukur la kan? :) I bought him a present, for his coming birthday next month. Can't wait to give him. Mestinya suka. my head, trying to find new activities to be done with him, if God's willing..sebelom nya balit KL. I hope I can celebrate New Year and his birthday together with him. I Love You M. :)

I'm gonna miss you so much...but I ain't going to be able to send you to the airport and kiss you like that, am I? Hahaha....but its going to be a long distance love afterwards..and I don't really like it. But still, as what you always reminded me before, wherever the place that I go and no matter how far it'll able to find me in the end...and you always do. That's why I love you even more. :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

What Do I Write in A Blog?

Do MPH sell "Dummies for New Bloggers"?? Hahaha...coz I would really need one..hehe...hmm, hard to find appropriate topics to write at 3 in the morning. Eyes won't sleep due to the overjoyed feeling of just having my own blog..yep, i'm pathetic...i'm aware of that..hahaha....

Hey, saya org Melayu/ I can write in Malay too la...but I prefer to write in English just to improve my vocabs..(yea right) Tulis melayula... hahaha..leceh tol.. tapi, kalo tulis melayu, leceh jgak. sbb saya berasal dr Kepulauan Borneo(yup, org pulau...haha) so, nanti kalo sy tulis dlm slang negeri sy, kwn2 sy org Peninsular plak yg xpaham. so, if I write in English..kira fair n square. 1 Malaysia la kan?? hahaha... mana2 pon bolehla... rojak sajala...cina pun sy boleh. sekolah cina dulu maa.... haiyaa.. :D

Making The First Step...

Assalamualaikum. Hello/Hye/Moshi moshi :) Haha. Wow, I can't actually believed that I have finally created my own blog. Wow, it is just soo amazing. Hahaha. I'm 20 now by the way. I think its just too old to start having a blog of your own at this time of age. But hey, who cares. I have my own blog now! Yeaayy baybeh! :D Its kinda cool actually, where I can writ most of my ideas/feelings/emotions...when I feel like to. Coz I really love to write. :) Hope for those who enjoyed my writing...please leave some motivating comments for me to improve my blogging skills. Ahha! Daaa~~~